Destination Byron are pleased to confirmed the speaker line up at this year’s Ballina Byron Gateway Airport Tourism Symposium – Friday 7th June 2019 at Elements of Byron.

Attendees will hear an inspiring key note from Australian tourism legend Robert Pennicott. Robert is the founder of Pennicott Wilderness Journeys, a multi award winning ecotourism company in southern Tasmania. In 2011, Robert circumnavigated Australia in a 17-foot inflatable dinghy raising funds for charity, was named Tasmanian Australian of the Year 2012, established the Tasmanian Coast Conservation Fund with the Parks & Wildlife Service and Wildcare, and is the founder of the Pennicott Foundation.

Jeremy Holmes and David Jones will provide an update on their provocative ‘top travel trends’ presentation from last year, Lenna Klintworth will present the ‘Northern Rivers Branding Project’ followed by a panel on the topic of collaboration versus an individual approach. Other speakers will cover aviation news, council tourism efforts, and two significant and fascinating eco-tourism projects that are underway… the ‘Tweed Byron Hinterland Trails’ and ‘Noosa Trails Masterplan’.

Other events that are currently bookable are an ‘industry briefing from Tourism Australia’, a ‘poolside networking event’, a ‘hosted kitchen table book discussion on tourism,’ and a ‘blockchain in travel’ event.

Now is also an opportune time to address some incorrect conjecture. Destination Byron is not a government funded body, nor is it a body aimed at driving more tourism to our shire. Destination Byron has no place in its current strategy to execute or even articulate a destination marketing campaign for Byron. At its essence, Destination Byron is a collective of volunteers who come together monthly to create a forum to network, collaborate and educate on all matters Byron visitor economy related. Thanks to a handful of local sponsors, the committee can curate and host a multitude of events that are free or at cost throughout the year. These events are aimed at connecting visitor economy participants and informing them on industry trends and headwinds, so they’re better placed to navigate the future.

To sign up for a free membership and to receive Destination Byron’s monthly email newsletter go to the website and subscribe. Membership in 2019 is free – thanks to our amazing sponsors.

The skills-based volunteer board of Destination Byron greatly appreciate the opportunity to support the industry here in Byron Bay. We hope to continue working together to strengthen and grow the industry for the benefit of all.

